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About me
Wedding Videographer Awards 2016
Award of Excellence - Short Wedding Film: Cata + Emese (video)
Award of Excellence - Short Wedding Film: Iulia + Sebastian (video)
Award of Distinction - Short Wedding Film: Ada + Cristi (video)
I always found it difficult to describe myself, maybe because I do not consider that I know so much about me and that I can make a precise self-description. And yet, until I get to know me, I can tell the things that are at the 'surface' of "me": ..but still, the difficulties involved to describe myself should not discourage me to give to those who want to see "how I see myself" a satisfying summary. Of course I will list several key areas that are the foundation of what is called, at the moment, Ionut Trandafir, man of the 3rd millennium haha. We can not get over my megalomania and over the certain sense of my superiority over anyone, that I have it almost all the time, except when depressed, when I think that the opposite is the only truth. This "feature" helps me so much in making myself generally incompatible at a much more serious level with most of the people I meet, in which I find in this, pure arrogance. Those who are able to see beyond the apparently spiny find "the other Ionut", quite humble and resigned about its insignificance and temporality (mainly physical). Ionut is generally a "good" person but as long as good and evil are relative concepts, everyone has a different definition, according to their own beliefs and interests than a predicate this is not ambiguous. This self-defining and descriptive approach therefore should not be taken as an accurate radiography (of my grandfather), but rather an attempt to sketch, but of course one prepared by the authorized person in the "I": I. It can be said so about Ionut it is a controversial individual, with great potential, but of course.. and with enough loopholes of the species to which it belongs. As I write I get to know myself...Ionut Trandafir
Director | Music Videos | Commercials
Professional Wedding Videographer
Intotdeauna mi-a fost greu sa ma descriu, poate pentru ca nu consider ca ma cunosc atat de bine incat sa pot face o autodescriere cu o oarecare precizie. Si totusi, pana sa ajung sa ma cunosc, pot spune lucrurile 'de suprafata': ..dar totusi, dificultatea demersului de a ma descrie nu ar trebui sa ma descurajeze din a da celor ce doresc sa vada "cum ma vad", un sumar satisfacator. Voi enumera desigur cateva puncte esentiale ce sunt bazele a ceea ce pe moment este numit Trandafir Ionut, omul mileniului 3 haha. Nu se poate trece desigur peste grandomania mea si sentimentul certitudinii superioritatii mele asupra oricui pe care il am in aproape orice moment, mai putin cele de depresie cand am impresia ca opusul e singurul adevar. Aceasta caracteristica ma 'ajuta' teribil de mult facandu-ma in general incompatibil la un nivel mai serios cu o mare parte a persoanelor pe care le intalnesc, ce gasesc in asta pura aroganta. Cei care sunt in stare sa vada dincolo de aceasta aparenta tepoasa gasesc "Ionut-ul" celalalt, destul de umil si resemnat in privinta propriei insignifiante si temporalitati (fizice cel putin). Ionut este o fiinta generalmente "buna" dar cum raul si binele sunt dupa el notiuni relative si despre care fiecare are o alta definitie, in functie de propriile convingeri si interese acesta nu e decat un predicat ambiguu. Acest demers auto-definitoriu si descriptiv prin urmare nu trebuie luat ca o radiografie precisa (a bunicului meu), ci mai degraba o tentativa de schita , una insa desigur intocmita de persoana cea mai autorizata in domeniul "eu": Eu. Se poate spune asadar despre Ionut ca este un individ controversat, cu un potential mare, dar desigur.. si cu destule lacune, ale speciei din care face parte. Pe masura ce scriu incep sa ma cunosc...Ionut Trandafir
Regizor | Videoclipuri muzicale | Reclame TV / Spoturi publicitare
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Phone: (+40) 076 727 63 62 |
Email Me At trandafilm ('at')
Working Worldwide Living in Bucharest, Romania.